With the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo, coaches and swimmers are very concerned about the Coronavirus spread in Asia, and rightfully so. An upper respiratory infection caused by this virus can not only take a swimmer out of competition, but it can also be life-threatening.
While the total numbers of Coronavirus infection cases in China have been reported at 15,000, no one knows the true numbers. As of March 4, we no longer know the exact numbers of confirmed cases of Coronavirus infection diagnosed in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control. Cases are being reported on a state-by-state basis. The virus does spread from human to human contact, so some schools are closing temporarily. We won’t know the outcome of this virus for some time, but the World Health Organization has already declared it as a Global Emergency.
As a physician, here are five recommendations I offer as preventive measures for Coronavirus or other viral illnesses.
Do not travel to China, South Korea, Iran, Japan, Hong Kong and Italy in the near future (or other parts of Asia). Avoid contact as much as possible with other humans with upper respiratory infections. Wash hands after coming into contact with any ill human beings. Stay warm, well-hydrated, well-nourished and avoid sleep deprivation. Take Platinum Immune Support (two capsules) daily as a preventive measure Platinum Immune Support contains Bovine Colostrum.
Colostrum is the early-formed breast milk than contains a very high percentage of protein and antibodies, which have strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. Bovine means it comes from cows (not humans) but has been shown to contain similar quantities of antibodies as human Colostrum. Colostrum has not been listed as a banned substance by WADA. Anecdotally, we have a very positive experience using Platinum Immune Support. We sent 17 Race Club swimmers to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008. All were taking Platinum Immune Support daily and none of our Race Club swimmers got sick.
Whenever I feel a viral illness coming on, I immediately take two capsules of Platinum Immune Support. Typically, by the next morning, the viral infection is completely eradicated. It seems to be much more effective than taking Vitamin C, Echinacea or any other products known for cold or flu prevention.
For all of our Race Club members, to help avoid getting ill near major competition, we recommend taking two capsules of the Platinum Immune Support daily from 6 weeks out of the championship meet. Then continue taking the supplement through the competition. After the competition, we recommend going off of the supplement until 6 weeks before the next big meet. It can be taken at any age. However, it seems to work better if the swimmer does not continue taking it all of the time.
As we get through the winter flu season, try taking Platinum Immune Support, stay healthy and swim fast!
Yours in Swimming,
Gary Sr.